FCC License Grants Summary for IL week ending 07/27/24 Neither the FCC nor the web master of this site shall be liable for any errors in the content or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. IL Grants 7/20/24 NICOR GAS COMPANY SOUTHERN WILL COUNTY COOP FOR SPECIAL EDUCATION IL Grants 7/21/24 IL Grants 7/22/24 Advocate Health - Webster Place Constellation Energy Generation, LLC First Christian Church IL Grants 7/23/24 COLUMBIA COLLEGE Communications Direct Inc HOMER, VILLAGE OF SNOW, JAMES R IL Grants 7/24/24 Nordstrom, Inc. NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS Precision Drywall, Inc RUMA, VILLAGE OF IL Grants 7/25/24 IL Grants 7/26/24 ADVOCATE GOOD SHEPHERD HOSPITAL MIDDLETOWN FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT